Since February

Since February
Published by: JoJo Matthews
My last blog was February 1st and after re-reading it and seeing how much hope I had. Well 4 short days later I landed in the hospital with Ileus. It was awful. I came home from work Friday night, actually sent home because I was nauseous. Within an hour I was driving myself to the hospital after I managed to quit puking long enough to get there. The doctor never really said much about it other than if it didn’t resolve itself then I would need surgery. I wasn’t allowed any water or food the whole weekend and those hospital beds are horribly uncomfortable. Well come Sunday I was suppose to be let out but once the doctor made his round and discovered I had a migraine he decided to keep me another night. Monday I was suppose to start my new job. When I landed that new job things were going to turn around for me. Sunday afternoon I had to email my new boss explaining that I couldn’t start the following day as I was in the hospital. She emailed back saying no problem, start Tuesday.

Tuesday rolls around and I wasn’t feeling 100% it made me nervous because I threw up so much I was afraid of it happening again. I emailed them once again explaining I’m still not 100% and would hate to start and I get sick again. I had 8 weeks of training to get through and I couldn’t miss a single day otherwise I would fall behind. I had already missed day one. She emailed back saying she would speak to my department manager about me starting the next training class in April. Hallelujah I was able to start in April.

Having given up my job at the grocery store a few days before the hospital I went back full time at the restaurant. Things were still iffy with my digestive system. I struggled to find something to eat that didn’t make me feel ill. I went back on lactaid pills, I started taking beano, and I cleaned up my eating habits. No more eating things with ingredients I can’t pronounce or isn’t natural.

April rolls around it’s time to start training. I ended up declining their offer because I was so afraid of getting sick again. I went into a pretty bad depression in March and I think my anxiety got the better of me by April. I was tired all of the time and could barely stay awake. My emotions were all over the place and sadly my loved one took the brunt of it quite a few times. Thank sweet baby Jesus he is a forgiving and understanding man and we’ve made it through my crazy time. I was super sad and crying one minute and angry the next. He found himself apologizing when it wasn’t him that started it, it was me. I know he felt helpless.

I ended up finding something called Maca powder it’s made from a Peruvian root. I was taking it for 2 months, it seemed to help. I started taking vitamin B12 again the methylcoblaminin one. I have a history of being seriously deficient in it and have been on shots twice. Anyway I stopped the maca powder because it’s expensive and I was going through it too quickly. The B12 seems to be sustaining me. I did research on all my symptoms and of course it can be a number of different things. Being that I don’t have health insurance I can’t get diagnosed properly.
Honestly I think it’s a few different things, B12 deficiency, D deficiency(diagnosed with that at one point as well) and I think thyroid may be giving up on me finally. Thyroid disorders run in my family and I think my mom was just a tad older than me when diagnosed. I’ve been tested since I was a teenager and was fine. A few years ago I was tested and the doctor told me that my levels were low enough he wanted to put me on meds. He said I was borderline. I took the meds I think for 6 months in which point I moved back to the U.S. from Canada and ended up not taking them anymore because no health insurance again. Later on I was tested a few different times. One doctor wanted to put me on meds. One doctor sent me to and Endocrinologist where I had a thyroid ultrasound done. They told me it didn’t show any signs of being under active. This is when I was diagnosed with B12 and D deficiency.

Anyway I’m OK as of right now so I will take it. I’m sorry my blog is all
over the place but that’s part of what I’ve been going through.
I am staying as positive as I can and just going with the flow and trying to realize God’s purpose for my life.
