Published by: JoJo Matthews
So I have been trying to write this blog for a couple of days now but my computer likes to do it’s own thing.
My visit this past Friday was absolutely amazing. He has opened up to me in fantastic ways this past year.
When I met my love he didn’t trust anyone, he had been hurt in the past so it was hard for him. He reminds me of a fine rosebud at first it’s all closed up and slowly over time it opens up and reveals it’s beauty.
I constantly tell him that he can trust me and that I am there for him and that I can handle whatever it is that he tells me. Well over time it has worked and he has started to open up to me and it makes me so happy.
a lifer wife lack of physicality is something we contend with daily and will
for the rest of our lives. I have expressed the need to find new ways to
I am grateful that he is willing to do
whatever it takes to keep our bond as husband and wife strong and not let our
things go stale.
I thank God every day for him.